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alice yeh

vfx compositor and multi-media artist

current demo reel


compositor / multimedia - video artist.

BFAs in Kinetic Imaging and Filmmaking from

Virginia Commonwealth University.

WIP - Visual Effects MFA from Savannah College of Art and Design.

based in Savannah, GA.


vfx work

conceptual/physical work



This installation focuses on natural experiences, decay and growth, as well as cycles that occur in nature, sunrise and sunset. Together, we created a temporary installation that showcases an abstracted form of semi-permanence. The footage was displayed through a small projector, on a slow spinning platform within the canopy, and four speakers were also placed inside to create an immersive sound experience. Our canopy was constructed from sticks, layered with fabrics. The idea was to create a cozy feeling, to mimic the feeling of building a childhood fort. Flowers, leaves and other organic material was draped over the outside. Together these objects are symbolic of temporality, and creates fleeting shadows against the wall when the projector passes by. The slow turn of the projector resembles the circle of semi-permanence, and temporal being of the installation is a reminder of that. In this collaboration, we explore what semi-permanence means to each of us in a naturalistic way, and explore each of our mindsets in how we construct this idea. Our four minute projected video completed one full rotation around the canopy every 45 seconds, while the audio is 3 minutes long. The installation is played on a continuous loop. This interaction between the projection, sound, space, and shadows create an ever changing ephemeral experience for viewers. Found footage included in projection from A Desert Place by WGBH, and Piestewa Hiking Trail- In One Minute by the City of Phoenix, both pulled from 2020

©2019 by Alice Yeh. Proudly created with

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